Fight for survival

Postat la 28 aprilie 2009 15 afişări

2009 looks set to be a very difficult year for the leasing market, with a shift in focus from growth to finding solutions to survive.

From Milan, from where he oversees the business of UniCredit Global Leasing in 17 countries, Septimiu Postelnicu gives a harsh verdict: it will be a few years before we can talk about growth again. ”When you look at 17 countries, you get a different understanding of the overall economic phenomena and of the possible solutions,” Septimiu Postelnicu told BUSINESS Magazin. The 32-year old Romanian oversaw the merger of HVB Leasing and UniCredit Leasing on the Romanian market and has been running the operations of the UniCredit Global Leasing branches in the CEE region from Milan for six months now.

This gives Postelnicu a clearer and more integrated picture of the chances that the Romanian and European leasing markets have. Neither the present, nor the near future look comfortable, he hints; it is very clear that leasing, as many other industries for that matter, has fallen victim to the economic decline on the entire continent and the coming period will be one of a radical shakeup. ”It’ll be a few years before we can talk about growth,” Septimiu Postelnicu believes. What matters for the time being are the steps that can be taken to survive.


Traducere de Loredana Fratila-Cristescu si Daniela Stoican


Urmărește Business Magazin

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