Peste două zile începe a 61-a reuniune a Grupului Bilderberg

Postat la 04 iunie 2013 624 afişări

A 61-a reuniune a Grupului Bilderberg se desfăşoară în perioada 6 - 9 iunie, în Hertfordshire, Marea Britanie. Grupul este format din circa 140 de personalităţi politice, economice şi culturale, precum şi din mediul universitar, din 21 de ţări din Europa şi America de Nord.

Peste două zile începe a 61-a reuniune a Grupului Bilderberg

FRA Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute for International Relations

ITA Monti, Mario - Former Prime Minister

USA Mundie, Craig J. - Senior Advisor to the CEO, Microsoft Corporation

ITA Nagel, Alberto - CEO, Mediobanca

NLD Netherlands, H.R.H. - Princess Beatrix of The

USA Ng, Andrew Y. - Co-Founder, Coursera

FIN Ollila, Jorma - Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc

GBR Omand, David - Visiting Professor, King's College London

GBR Osborne, George - Chancellor of the Exchequer

USA Ottolenghi, Emanuele - Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies

TUR Özel, Soli - Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University; Columnist, Habertürk Newspaper

GRC Papahelas, Alexis - Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper

TUR Pavey, şafak - Member of Parliament (CHP)

FRA Pécresse, Valérie - Member of Parliament (UMP)

USA Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

USA Petraeus, David H. - General, U.S. Army (Retired)

PRT Portas, Paulo - Minister of State and Foreign Affairs

CAN Prichard, J. Robert S. - Chair, Torys LLP

INT Reding, Viviane - Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission

CAN Reisman, Heather M. - CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

FRA Rey, Hélène - Professor of Economics, London Business School

GBR Robertson, Simon - Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC Holdings

ITA Rocca, Gianfelice - Chairman,Techint Group

POL Rostowski, Jacek - Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister

USA Rubin, Robert E. - Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury

NLD Rutte, Mark - Prime Minister

AUT Schieder, Andreas - State Secretary of Finance

USA Schmidt, Eric E. - Executive Chairman, Google Inc.

AUT Scholten, Rudolf - Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

PRT Seguro, António José - Secretary General, Socialist Party

FRA Senard, Jean-Dominique - CEO, Michelin Group

NOR Skogen Lund, Kristin - Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise

USA Slaughter, Anne-Marie - Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University

IRL Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman, Goldman Sachs International

GBR Taylor, Martin - Former Chairman, Syngenta AG

INT Thiam, Tidjane - Group CEO, Prudential plc

USA Thiel, Peter A. - President, Thiel Capital

USA Thompson, Craig B. - President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

DNK Topsøe, Jakob Haldor - Partner, AMBROX Capital A/S

FIN Urpilainen, Jutta - Minister of Finance

CHE Vasella, Daniel L. - Honorary Chairman, Novartis AG

GBR Voser, Peter R. - CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc

CAN Wall, Brad - Premier of Saskatchewan

SWE Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman, Investor AB

USA Warsh, Kevin  - Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University

CAN Weston, Galen G. - Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited

GBR Williams of Crosby Shirley - Member, House of Lords

GBR Wolf, Martin H. - Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times

USA Wolfensohn, James D. - Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company

GBR Wright, David - Vice Chairman, Barclays plc

INT Zoellick, Robert B. - Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

AUT Austria 

BEL Belgia    

CAN Canada 

CHE Elveţia 

DEU Germania 

DNK Danemarca 

ESP Spania 

FIN Finlanda 

FRA Franţa   

GRC Grecia

GBR Marea Britanie

INT      International

IRL      Irlanda

ITA      Italia

NLD    Olanda

NOR   Norvegia

POL    Polonia

PRT    Portugalia

SWE   Suedia

TUR    Turcia

USA    United States of America


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